Currently learning glaze chemistry. (Slowly) Reading Post-Hindu India by Kancha Ilaiah. Becoming a casual archivist Indian & South Asian things. Listening to this. Working on a self-initated publication.

  Project: The Ground Beneath her Feet by Sandunes 

  Category: Album Artwork Campaign (Concept, AD)

Year: 2023

Along with Sanaya Ardeshir AKA Sandunes music, we conceptualised the visual universe of her upcoming album called The Ground Beneath her Feet. Rich with powerful voices of women, new-found confidence, style and maturity in her own sound - we spent months researching visual styles, art directions and different storylines that complements the music and its creation, and makes it tangible for the audience and the artists involved. After doing an extensive photoshoot in Goa, India involving trash and the interaction of women’s tired feet with planet earth - the former being used as a metaphor for the plight of climate crisis, we eventually all zeroed in on a bold and minimal direction, featuring scanned feet. Scanning became our main tool and main medium, and the experiments with materials, different positions of feet and playing with light-eventually led u sto a very 90s style, that feels very true to the sound of the album.

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