Currently learning glaze chemistry. (Slowly) Reading Post-Hindu India by Kancha Ilaiah. Becoming a casual archivist Indian & South Asian things. Listening to this. Working on a self-initated publication.

Project: (un)taboo zine

Category: Experimental zine, mixed media

Self-initiated, Year: 2018

(un)taboo is a self-published zine, comprising six artworks representing taboos we face in the present society and culture. The zine is an artistic attempt to bring attention to just a handful of such taboos glaringly relevant today. At first, you see the picture the society deems “normal” or “acceptable”, while the reality presents itself when you peel off the solid black ink seen in all these artworks, revealing the taboo.

(un)taboo zine has been featured in Platform Magazine, India and Join Paper Planes, India.

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